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Da li je to neuroleptik?
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Post by sanela »

Information: Catapresan - Catapres, Clonidine
Products / Blood & Heart

Catapresan - Catapres

Common uses and directions for Clonidine, Catapres
Clonidine hydrochloride USP is a centrally acting antihypertensive agent available as tablets for oral administration.
Catapres, clonidine, is indicated in the treatment of hypertension and may be employed alone or concomitantly with other antihypertensive agents.
The dose of clonidine must be adjusted according to the patient's individual blood pressure response. The following is a general guide to its administration.
Initial dose: 0.15 mg tablet twice daily (morning and bedtime). Elderly patients may benefit from a lower initial dose.
Maintenance dose: Further increments of 0.15 mg per day may be made if necessary until the desired response is achieved. Taking the larger portion of the dose at bedtime may minimize transient adjustment effects of dry mouth and drowsiness. The therapeutic doses of clonidine most commonly employed have ranged from 0.2 mg to 0.6 mg per day given in divided doses. Most side effects of the use of clonidine are mild and tend to diminish with continued therapy. The most frequent (which appear to be dose-related) are dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, constipation and sedation.

Clonidine common uses
Clonidine hydrochloride USP is a centrally acting antihypertensive agent.
Catapres, clonidine, is indicated in the treatment of hypertension. Clonidine may be employed alone or concomitantly with other antihypertensive agents.

Clonidine directions
Catapres comes as a tablet containing 150 µg. clonidine, to take by mouth.
The dose of clonidine must be adjusted according to the patient's individual blood pressure response. The following is a general guide to its administration.
Initial dose: One 0.15 mg Catapres tablet twice daily (morning and bedtime). Elderly patients may benefit from a lower initial dose.
Maintenance dose: Further increments of 0.15 mg per day may be made if necessary until the desired response is achieved. Taking the larger portion of the daily dose at bedtime may minimize transient adjustment effects of dry mouth and drowsiness. The therapeutic doses most commonly employed have ranged from 0.2 mg to 0.6 mg per day given in divided doses.
If you miss a dose, take it as soon as remembered if it is within an hour or so. If you do not remember until later, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. Do not "double-up" the dose to catch up.

Clonidine precautions
The safety of Catapres has only been established in a highly selected group of cancer patients, and only after an adequate trial of opioid analgesia. Other use of Catapres is of unproven safety and is not recommended.
As with all antihypertensive therapy, clonidine should be used with caution in patients with severe coronary insufficiency, recent myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease or chronic renal failure.
For individuals with renal impairment, the dosage of clonidine must be adjusted according to the degree of impairment, and the individual should be carefully monitored. Since only a minimal amount of clonidine is removed during routine hemodialysis, there is no need to give supplemental clonidine following dialysis.
Patients should be instructed not to discontinue therapy without consulting their physician. Sudden cessation of clonidine treatment has resulted in subjective symptoms such as nervousness, agitation and headache, accompanied or followed by a rapid rise in blood pressure.
There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women why clonidine should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.
As clonidine hydrochloride is excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when clonidine hydrochloride is administered to a nursing woman.

Clonidine possible side effects
Most side effects effects of the use of Catapres, clonidine, are mild and tend to diminish with continued therapy. The most frequent (which appear to be dose-related) are dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, constipation and sedation.
Less frequent side effects include nausea and vomiting, anorexia, malaise, mild transient abnormalities in liver function tests, nervousness, agitation and insomnia. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor.

Clonidine overdose
If overdose of clonidine is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately.
The signs and symptoms of clonidine hydrochloride overdosage include hypotension, bradycardia, lethargy, irritability, weakness, somnolence, diminished or absent reflexes, miosis, vomiting and hypoventilation.

Additional information
Keep Catapres in a tightly closed container and out of reach of children. Store Catapres at controlled room temperature and away from excess heat and moisture (not in the bathroom).
If a patient receiving clonidine is also taking tricyclic antidepressants, the effect of clonidine may be reduced, thus necessitating an increase in dosage. Clonidine hydrochloride may enhance the CNS-depressive effects of alcohol, barbiturates or other sedatives.

The above information is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgment of your physician, or other healthcare professional. It should not be construed to indicate that use of Catapres is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. Consult your healthcare professional before using Catapres.

Izvor: http://www.247-pharmacy.com/

Dodatne informacije:
http://medlibrary.org/drugs/heart-circu ... resan.html
http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/sadhe ... ct-Warning
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Post by svejedno »

Dijazepami ne mogu da pomognu. Bar ne da se oslobodite krize.
Verujte mi. :twisted: Nastavicete sa njima.
Blokatori su ok, ali ima ljudi koji ne smeju da se skinu sa njih.
I onih koji se odmah posle odrade.
Sve sto tebe sprecava ne moze da ti pomogne. Moras sam da se sprecis.
Bolje da kazem mene. Ima raznih ljudi.
Nekima su blokovi pomogli.
Ali nikome dijazi, osim na kratko.
Bensedin je ipak ok pred spavanje,u pocetku, ali ne 12 komada, vec 1.
Veca je razlika izmedju bendzosa i dijaza nego sto se misli.
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Post by Sonja »

Ja pijem blok. i terapiju (valproate), ukinuli su mi miansan, ali nikada nisam cula da u necijoj terapiji (sem mozda u pocetku skidanja fizicke krize) daju benzodiazepine. Njima se ne leci bolest ovisnosti, to je samo menjanje supstanci, to su depresori CNS. Bar ne na klinici na kojoj se ja lecim.

A slazem se da je to stvar dobre volje, samo sto po dvadeseti put pisem o blokovima i o tome da su oni samo pomagalo dok se ti ne stabilizujes. Sve ti je u glavi.... ;-)
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Post by Luna »

evo nas opet...
katapresan nije narkotik...nije isto sto i clonazepam. Uospte ne spada u tu kategoriju. Pod substitut. terapijom saam pisala o njemu. koga zanima tamo je...pod da pocnem prvu.
on umanji nervozu, stres, znojenje, onu jezu....ovde se daje u toku detoxa ..bas zato da olaksa to sve. Za recept ne znam...narkotik nije-i ne stavara ovisnost. Pa idi kod doktora i trazi.....procitaj malo o njemu prvo. Meni je spasio zivot ...i olaksao muke za 95%...
to je moje iskustvo....
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I Luna ima pravo da ima pravo

Post by mustafa »

Da , Katapresan ili Catapresan se uveliko upotrebljava kao pomocni medikament pri skidanju opijatima( Benzo, heroin, opijum i tako dalje) Snizava krvni pritisak i samim time simptome apstinencije. Jako je vazno upotrebljavati ga SAMO nakon konsultacije sa ljekarom jer se u nekim slucajevima ne smije upotrebljavati.
Ako vec moras obaviti skidanje hemijskim putem(sto ja licno smatram sporijim nacinom) onda je u redu zamoliti ljekara da pod kontrolisanim uslovima dobijes ovaj medikament.

P.S Jedan od kontraindikacija je pojava depresivnih perioda, a ova medicina se nebi smjela upotrebljavati pri upotrebi nekih SSRI preparata (antidepresivi Zoloft i tako dalje)
M. Sarkic
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Post by Luna »

:-D ;-)
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Post by Vodolija »

Ma sve je to jedno obicno sranje...najbolje bi bilo kad bi svi mi mogli bez icega, ali neki smo jaci neki slabiji tako da to neuspjeva.
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Post by sunrise »

Ja vam mogu reci da Katapresan stvarno pomaze.
Bas neki dan sam bila na jednom razgovoru pred odlazak na bolnicko lijecenje od 3 mjeseca i kad sam im rekla da pijem Katapresan rekli su mi da su nekada upotreblajvali iskljucivo katapresan tijekom krize od 21 dan.
Sve to stoji sto ste napisali, plus da on smanjuje zelju za dopom.

A, kako to izgleda u stvarnosti. Npr. u krizi si i nemas dopa, popis katapresan i jako brzo vidis da nema jezenja, wc-a, i smanjuje se znojenje kao i onaj crv u glavi malo miruje. uglavnom, nema navlacenja na katapresan i sve u svemu jako dobra tabletica
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Post by Luna »

ma ljubim te ...konacno si uhvatila ritam i furas. Super...samo nastavi. Ja i dan danas popijem clonidine)catapresan) kad nemogu da spavam i sl. radije cu to nego bilo koji narkotik(sedativ ili bilo sta). svaki lijek ima i svoje loshe strane...naravno...no u ovom slucaju vishe je dobrih. pogotovo u prvih mjesec dva skidanja oporavka...
" You must be the change you wish to see in the world." M. Gandhi
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