
Vaša iskustva, pitanja u vezi sa terapijom "održavanja" - metadon, buprenorphine... Pišite ovdje o svojoj borbi sa ovisnošću, svakodnevnim iskušenjima i problemima s kojima se suočavate.

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Post by on_23 »

RIVOTRIL ??? plzzz ko zna neshto vishe o ovom leku ...ko ima iskusvo na rivotril i zlicno ...
evo drugi mesec sam na rivotril i fluoxetin ... rivotril za paniku , a fluoxetin prtv depresije... (shta je naj vaznije mislim da mi ova terapija odgovara mnogo se bolje osecam ...nemma straha , nemma panike , nema depresije ..mislim da mi odgovara )ali terapiju sam poceo na na svoju ruku bez doktora ...
plzz neki savet ,ako neko ima iskustvo ..
pijem rivotril3x1/4 i fluoxetin 3x1 ... ovo je drugi mesec...?????? :?:

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Post by Voyager »

Last edited by Voyager on Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Voyager »

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Post by TeqilaSunrise »

Terapija koju piješ je klasična koja se prepisuje u takvim slučajevima! Sve zavisi od težine simptoma koje osećaš! Nakon dva meseca ne možeš postati zavistan nikako, ali redukuj dozu, ako osećaš da ti je previše. Nemoj eksperimentisati sa lekovima, ukoliko ti je ova terapija dobra!
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Post by zvrky »

Rivotril je epileptik i nikako nije slican diazepamu,bromazepanu i tome slicno. Opasan je lek i moze doci do zavisnosti nakon stalnog knzumiranja. Sluzi za epilepticne napade,kocenja(opusta misice) i za tremor ruku i tela. Pozdrav
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Post by Luna »

nije da ima slican profil ko' benzodiazepami nego jeste benzodiazepam. clonopin ili clonazepam...
stvara ooogromnu zavisnost...pola amerike je na njemu.ljudi ce radije dati ruku ili nogu samo im nemoj clonopine dirati. uzimala sam ga i ja neko vrijeme(jako malu kolicinu....-.25mg) zaista...opasna ovisnost.
gori je i od valijuma(apaurin-takodje zepam), i ostalih...
ne znam sto to uzimash...ako je za depresiju-ima i boljih i manje opasnih. ako je za spavanje i nervozu....uzmi radije clonidine(katapresan na nashem)...ne stvara ovisnost...mozesh ga piti i 2 3 godine..i samo prestati(ja sam ga dugo uzimala...da nije njega bilo ne bih se nikad uspjela skinuti)
to je za spustanje pritiska...ima o njemu puno na forumu...potrazi.
u svakom slucaju skidaj se sa zepama....morash polako doduse. .5mg svakih par dana.
napisacu ti vishe o ritrovilu sutra...
govorim ti i iz licnog iskustva. nije zajebancija....
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Post by Sonja »

kako benzodiazepam kada je klonazepam?

sigurno su nekako povezani :? , ali prilikom detekcije kod mog drugara, radjena mu je detekacija na benzodiazepine, a napravio je recidiv sa rivotrilom (uzeo ih je 5 na dan detekcije) nije nadjeno nista? U svakom slucaju se slazem da je veoma opasan i nikako se ne slazem sa ovim laickim savetima na forumu. Idite ljudi trazite strucnu pomoc. Najlakse se nagutavati na svoju ruku :roll:

Needlework the way, never you betray
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Pain monopoly, ritual misery
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Post by zvrky »

Nije nadjeno nista jer rivotril nije sedativ,a na tim testovima postoji opcija sedativi,trodoni sto se tice lekova.
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Post by on_23 »

e da vam pravo kazem hvala na savetima i to mnogo ,mnogo mi znaci.. ovu terapiju mi je preporucila prijateljica jedna.. ali meni mislim da odgovara, znaci nisam bio kod doktora ali pomaze .od prvog dana kada sam poceo sa ovom terapijom rivotril i fluoxetin sve drugacije se osecam ,izlazim slobodno , ni jedan put nisam imao napad penike ..i slicno..(na shta sam se uverio de mi je ova terapia tacna za moje stanje "diagnozu" ,mozda greshim i pravim sebi sebi ravno !! mozda )
ali stvarno pomaze ... cim pomaze onda za tu terapiju sam ..bar ja delim to mishljenje (mozda greshim) poslednice ne znam kako ce da bude kasnije ,kakvi tragovi ostaju na mozak od ove terapije .. plashim se hemije ...
A shto se tice doktora znam mnogo slucaja slicnim mojim znaci moje simptopme.. razlicite diagnoze skoro ni jedan doktor ne da itu diagnozu..
(mozda PSIHA u pitanju i ako su dotori sve su oni RELATIVNO strucnjaci)

imam prijatelja on je trazio strucnu pomoc a simptome smo imali iste..
on pije antipsihotike a njegovo stanje nikako da se boboljshava ...

e sada i ja sam konfuzan shta da radim ...
boim se doktora , boim se diagnoze ... moj prijatelj posle poste raaznih doktora njegovo stanje samo se pogorshava (PSIHA mozda)
a kod mene je drugacije imamo iste simptome meni je bolje a njemu nije ??? tak da ???!!!???
ipak boim se hemije i poslednice koje mogu da imam kasnije?
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Post by Luna »

evo vidi .....
Clonazepam (marketed by Roche under the trade-names Klonopin in the United States and Rivotril in Europe, South America, Canada, and Australia) is a drug which is a benzodiazepine derivative. It is a highly potent anticonvulsant, amnestic and anxiolytic.

Like other benzodiazepines, clonazepam is believed to act by simulating the action of GABA on the central nervous system. Because of strong anxiolytic properties and euphoric side-effects it is said to be among the class of 'highly potent' benzodiazepines. Although benzodiazepines are invaluable in the treatment of anxiety disorders, they have some potential for abuse and may cause dependence or addiction. The sedative effects of clonazepam are relatively weak, compared to its strong anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects. One quarter of a milligram (0.25mg) of clonazepam is approximately equivalent to five milligrams (5.00mg) of diazepam.
kao sto rekoh to je kategorija zepama....benzo...ola..dia...su samo dodaci zepamima....pa tako i postoje olazepam,diazepam,itd
evo josh info:
Treatment: For an epileptic seizure, 1mg given intravenously every 10 to 20 minutes until symptoms subside.
Prevention: Oral doses from 1 mg to 20 mg per day.
Clonazepam can be useful for long-term treatment of some petit-mal forms of epilepsy in children and adolescents (adults may also respond well). Up to 30% of epileptic patients treated with clonazepam develop a serious tolerance to the anticonvulsant effects. This may require dose increases or gradual withdrawal and replacement of the drug.

Anxiety and panic disorders - 1mg to 10mg daily, in divided doses
Restless Legs Syndrome - 1mg to 2mg at bedtime
Mania - Up to 20mg daily, in divided doses
Side effects

Impaired motor function
Impaired coordination
Impaired balance
Anterograde amnesia (common with higher doses)

Paradoxical Disinhibition[1] (Most frequently in children, the elderly, and in persons with developmental disabilities)


Anxiety, irritability, insomnia
Panic attacks, tremor
Seizures similar to delirium tremens (With long-term use of excessive doses)

Use of alcohol or other CNS depressants while taking clonazepam greatly intensifies the effects (and side effects) of the drug. Side effects of the drug itself are generally benign, but sudden withdrawal after long-term use can cause severe, even fatal symptoms.

Similar to Diazepam. A notable difference is that clonazepam is not affected by graprefruit juice and other inhibitors of enzyme CYP3A4.

Use of clonazepam should be avoided in individuals with the following conditions:

Myasthenia gravis
Acute intoxication with alcohol, narcotics, or other psychoactive substances
Severe hypoventilation
Acute narrow-angle glaucoma
Severe liver deficiencies (hepatitis and liver cirrhosis decrease elimination by a factor of 2)
Severe sleep apnea
Hypersensitivity or allergy to any drug in the benzodiazepine class
Special Caution Needed
Children and adolescents (less than 18 years of age) - Treatment usually not indicated, except treatment of epilepsy, and pre-/postoperative treatment; extended clinical data for this age group is currently lacking.
I.V. or I.M. injections in hypotensive individuals or those in shock should be administered carefully and vital signs should be monitored. Like diazepam, careful monitoring for toxicity is required during prolonged I.V. usage due to the drugs long half life and rapid lipid redistribution.
Patients at a High Risk for Abuse and Dependence
At a high risk for misuse, abuse, and dependence are:

Patients with a history of alcohol or drug abuse or dependence
Emotionally unstable patients
Patients with severe personality disorders, such as Borderline Personality Disorder
Patients with chronic pain or other physical disorders
Long-term treatment with clonazepam should never be discontinued abruptly. It should be withdrawn gradually over a period of weeks or months.
An individual who has consumed too much clonazepam will display one or more of the following symptoms:

Somnolence (difficulty staying awake)
Mental confusion
Impaired motor functions
Impaired reflexes
Impaired coordination
Impaired balance
Unless combined with other drugs, deep coma or other manifestations of severe central nervous system depression are rare, and the mortality rate associated with poisoning is very low. As with other benzodiazepines, overdose symptoms may be reversed of clonazepam is flumazenil (Anexate®).

Abuse Potential
Although benzodiazepines are invaluable in the treatment of anxiety disorders, they have some potential for abuse and may cause dependence or addiction. It is important to distinguish between addiction to and normal physical dependence on benzodiazepines. Recreational users of benzodiazepines usually have other substance abuse problems. Benzodiazepines are usually a secondary drug of abuse-used mainly to augment the high received from another drug or to offset the adverse effects of other drugs. Few cases of addiction arise from legitimate use of benzodiazepines. [1]

Up to 30% of individuals treated on a long-term basis develop a form of dependence known as "low-dose-dependence". These patients do not develop a tolerance, and do not need increasingly large doses to experience the euphoric side effects of the drug.

Legal Status
Clonazepam is a Schedule IV drug in the United States, and possession is illegal without a prescription.

O'Brien, CP. "Benzodiazepine use, abuse, and depend

i ovo
Klonopin (clonazepam) may be habit forming. Physical and/or psychological dependence can occur, and withdrawal effects are possible if the medication is stopped suddenly after prolonged or high-dose treatment. Do not stop taking Klonopin (clonazepam) suddenly without first talking to your doctor if you have been taking it continuously for more than 5 to 7 days. Your doctor may want to gradually reduce the dose.

What is Klonopin (clonazepam) ?
Klonopin (clonazepam) is in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. Klonopin (clonazepam) affects chemicals in your brain that may become unbalanced and cause seizures or symptoms of panic disorder.
• Klonopin (clonazepam) is used to treat seizures and panic disorder.
• Klonopin (clonazepam) may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.
Last edited by Luna on Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
" You must be the change you wish to see in the world." M. Gandhi
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