koje filmove gledate?

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Zona Sumraka
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Re: koje filmove gledate?

Post by Zona Sumraka »

Into the wild...

Re: koje filmove gledate?

Post by narcohimno »

sad sam odgledao 'EVIL DEAD 2",po ko zna koji put i nikako mi nije jasno kako glumac koji tumaci glavnog lika"bruce campbell",nije dostigao svetsku slavu...covek glumi ekstra,izgleda ekstra...veliki propust u filmskoj industriji
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Re: koje filmove gledate?

Post by Vlado_M »

Zeitgeist, odlican dokumentarac... Malo o americkim sranjima, globalizaciji, kapitalizmu, religiji i sl. Preporucujem ga svim ateistima, narocito onim koji su snazno izlozeni americkoj jebenoj propagandi.
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Zona Sumraka
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Re: koje filmove gledate?

Post by Zona Sumraka »

to bi se moralo pogledati...pfff, jbte kako predvidljivo...na ovom sajtu preko kojeg inace narucujem filmove nema...nista, probacu downloadirati preko torenta...a jesi li ti gledao sicko od moor-a?
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Re: koje filmove gledate?

Post by Vlado_M »

Nisam, mrzi me da trazim.. Gledao sam od njega onaj dokumentarac o oruzju fazonima.
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Zona Sumraka
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Re: koje filmove gledate?

Post by Zona Sumraka »

bowling for columbine...ovaj koji spominjem mu je zadnji...poredjenje zdravstvenog sistema u americi i u ostatku svijeta...mislim da bi ti se svidio...
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Re: koje filmove gledate?

Post by pajdoforce »

Uh ja sam pored gudre od 2005. zeshce navuchen i na filmove koje skidam preko DC++ ali te ovisnosti nemam nameru da se odreknem nikad !!! :D

Obozavam japansku, tajlandsku a posebno juzno-korejsku kinematografija, naravno prvenstveno su tu horori al sam u poslednje vreme pocheo da gledam i komedije i drame. Preporuuchio bih naravno od japanaca zna se Takashi Miike (Audition, Ichi the Killer, Box, Imprint etc. itd.) a od Juzne Koreje Joon-ho Bong-a (Memories of murder, The Host) a gotivim naravno i dobar evropski horor (The descent, Session 9, Haute Tension) a shto se tiche americhke produkcije sve VUKOJEBINA-SLESHERE na fazon Teksashog Masakra i tih filmova iz 70-ih i 80-ih. Omljeni reziser mi je John Waters (Pink Flaminos, Cecil B. Demented, ma sve od njega bukvalno) zatim volim i Kjubrika, Tarantina, Dzarmusha, Dejvida Lincha, ma bre sve shto valja a to je bash puno. :rolleyes:
Ipak najvishe volim novije dokumentarce i to najvishe gledam. Preporuchio bi' svima po meni 2 najjacha dokumentaraca ikada PARADISE LOST i CHARLES MANSON SUPERSTAR, to nema shanse da omane, al znachi nema shanse... 8) :rock:
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Re: koje filmove gledate?

Post by pajdoforce »

E da josh ovo, ja se bavim onako malo amaterski i pisanjem RIVJUA samo THE DOBRIH filmova za neki moj interni forum pa ono, ako ima zainteresovanih mogu to da postujem i ovde :wink:
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decak_iz vode
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Re: koje filmove gledate?

Post by decak_iz vode »

evo moj skromni izbor...
hadersfild- pored klopke siguno jedan od boljih nasih filmova
25 sat-edvard norton odusevio kao i u americkoj istoriji x koji takodje preporucujem ali obavezo pogledajte 25 sat
i amadeo modeljani..tu sam malo subjektivan ali bas gotivim taj film kao i lik i delo doticnog
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Re: koje filmove gledate?

Post by pajdoforce »


Charles Manson Superstar (1989)


Definitivno najbolji dokumentarac o Mansonu. Pogledao sam veliku vecinu filmova na tu temu tako da mogu opushteno da sudim. Tek posle ovog dokumentarca sam shvatio zashto na sudjenju nisu dozvolili Mansonu da svedochi pred porotom. Ko bude pogledao moci ce da se uveri kako izgleda pravi manipulator na delu. (90 min)
For forty years, Charles Manson has survived most of his life in what he calls 'the hallways of the all ways,' the reform schools, jails and prisons that have been his home and tomb. His thought was born in the hole of solitary confinement, apart from time and beyond the grasp of society. In his cell, he created his own world and speaks his own language: he has concluded that there is only the mind. This DVD will relinquish to you the extreme story of the killer of all killers: Charles Manson. From convincing his followers to move into the desert to train for the apocalypse, to leading a murderous crew through a string of devilish murders, you will see and hear from Manson himself of how he created a preconceived terror based on his philosophy of life. Manson claims that the so-called 'straight' world outside of prison is but an inverted reflection of the underworld in which he has lived. To him, the reality that presidents and law-abiding citizens accept begins in the hermetic alternate universe of criminals, cons and outlaws. Much as simplistic historians have dismissed Hitler's 3rd Reich as the overcompensation of a failed artist, Manson's vision of a holy war has been generally categorized as nothing more than the jealous rage of a spurned musician.

The Bridge (2006)


Surovo potresan dokumentarac o samoubicama, onako bash da razdrma emocije, ko nije gledo OBAVEZNO !!!
People suffer largely unnoticed while the rest of the world goes about its business. This is a documentary exploration of the mythic beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge, the most popular suicide destination in the world, and those drawn by its call. Steel and his crew filmed the bridge during daylight hours from two separate locations for all of 2004, recording most of the two dozen deaths in that year (and preventing several others). They also taped interviews with friends, families and witnesses, who recount in sorrowful detail stories of struggles with depression, substance abuse and mental illness. Raises questions about suicide, mental illness and civic responsibility as well as the filmmaker's relationship to his fraught and complicated material.

Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996)


Od rezisera "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2". Tri tinejdzera metalca optuzeni su 1993.godine da su u maniru "satanistickog rituala" pod uticajem Alistera Kroulija silovali, muchili, kastrirali i na kraju na brutalan nacin ubili tri 8-ogodisnja decaka. U filmu smo svedoci pronalazenja tela ubijenih, ispovesti roditelja ubijene dece, i roditelja tinejdzera optuzenih za ubistva,i naravno samih optuzenih. Najpotresnija su upravo svedochenja roditelja svo 6-oro dece jer su u ovom sluchaju svi do jednog zrtve. Zatim posmatramo citav tok sudjenje koje otkriva mnoge shokantne detalje i dovodi do neochekivanih obrta poput najboljeg trilera. Sve to prati muzichka podloga Metalikine kultne pesmom "Sanitarum" koja se savrseno uklapa u sumornu i potresnu atmosferu ove price a i omiljena je pesma jednog od optuzenih decaka. Daleko jezivije od bilo kog serial killer dokumentarca, jako tezak film zbog svih tih emocija ali definitivno na MUST SEE listi !!!
Na IMDb-u rejting je 8.3/10 a ja mu dajem chistu 10-ku bez mnogo razmisljanja. Film ima i nastavak snimljen nekoliko godina kasnije pod imenom "Paradise Lost 2:Revelations" gde se pojavljuju novi dokazu vezani za ubistva. (150 minuta)
Berlinger and Sinofsky's documentary of a gruesome triple murder in West Memphis, Arkansas and the subsequent trials of three suspects, takes a hard look at both the occult and the American justice system in 'small-town' America. Three teenagers are accused of this horrific crime of killing three children, supposedly as a result of involvement in Satanism. As in their previous documentary, things turn out to be more complex than initial appearances and this film presents the real-life courtroom drama to the viewer, as it unfolds.

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