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IV Amino - not so new kid on the block

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:26 am
by tubalkain
Ovo nije baš (samo) stručni tekst ali pošto ova terapija ne upada u neki drugi segment ubaciću ga ovamo: ... %20Science
Drug and alcohol use affects the reward centers of the brain. These substances raise the levels of certain neurotransmitters, which are the chemical messengers of the brain, including serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Chronic use of drugs and alcohol over-stimulates the brain until it is unable to support itself with its own chemicals. This leads to depression, intense cravings, withdrawal and deeper addiction.

Usually when drugs and alcohol are taken away from the body--known as detox--a void is created that causes the body to react violently. However, the NTR treatment immediately provides the brain with the amino acids required to restore the neurotransmitters and their receptors. This supplies the brain with exactly what it needs and makes it possible to experience a painless withdrawal.

While this treatment restores the body physically from the damage of drugs and alcohol, long-term success depends on the patient and their avoidance of addictive substances. They still have a greater susceptibility and therefore, must avoid all substances with potential for addiction. In addition, counseling is a key component that impacts behavior and the source of substance abuse.
Or, if you are addicted to Heroine, you are really addicted to endorphin etc. The Amino Acids raise these brain chemicals back to a "normal" level so the cravings for the substance are greatly reduced, sometimes eliminated, making it very easy to quit. There is also minimal withdrawal from stopping use of the substance. Of 14,000 People treated at the William Hitt Center, 80% + are still clean or sober five years after treatment. The average for standard treatment is only 12% or less. This treatment isn't right for everyone, but if you have never been able to quit for any sustained period of time or "use" to avoid withdrawal, this treatment may be right for you.

New research into an obscure brain cell receptor found in the human brain has lead to a treatment that has
been generating greater than 80% success for the past 12 months at a medical center in Denver, Colorado.
New research into an obscure brain cell receptor found in the human brain has lead to a treatment that has
been generating greater than 80% success for the past 12 months at a medical center in Denver, Colorado.
These brain cell receptors are a subclass of the super family of receptors called G-protein coupled
receptors, which are made from amino acids.
"The specific receptor in question which is damaged in addiction is made up of 466 amino acids and found
on the surface of only one in a million brain cells." Commented Tamea Sisco a certified addictionologist
and scientific advisor to Excel Treatment Program, "this lead us to the so called 'Ah Ha!' moment."
If we were to administer the correct peptides and amino acids, in the correct proportion, to repair this
receptor, would we be able to control addiction cravings?
"The answer seems to be an astounding, yes. We have now been administering this specific intravenous
(IV) treatment for all types of addictive behavior with incredible success." Declared Dr. Wallace Arthur,
Medical Director and scientific advisor of Excel.
"Amino acids are the building blocks of life, we just had to open our eyes and do our homework.

Ima na execucarearx. noraic i exceltreatment puno testimonialsa ali pošti nije uvek lako znati šta je hype a šta realno drago nam je, da imamo našeg člana sa koji za 2 dana ide na ovu terapiju pa ćemo iz "prve ruke" znati da li je to stvarno toliki preboj u tretmanu adikcije.

Re: IV Amino - not so new kid on the block

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 2:34 pm
by tubalkain
Iz poslednjog broja The Economist-a:

Treatment on a plate

A dietary approach to treating addiction seems worth investigating

PEOPLE are programmed for addiction. Their brains are designed so that actions vital for propagating their genes—such as eating and having sex—are highly rewarding. Those reward pathways can, however, be subverted by external chemicals (in other words, drugs) and by certain sorts of behaviour such as gambling.

In recent years, neuroscientists have begun to understand how these reward pathways work and, in particular, the role played by message-carrying molecules called neurotransmitters. These molecules,
notably serotonin, dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), hop between nerve cells, carrying signals as they go. Some drugs mimic their actions. Others enhance them. Either way, the body tends, as
a result, to give up making them. At that point the person needs the drug as a substitute for the missing transmitter. In other words, he is an addict.

Unfortunately, this improved understanding of the biochemistry of addiction has yet to be translated into improvements in treatment. The latest figures from Britain’s National Treatment Agency suggest that only 11% of those who start treatment complete it and are drug-free after 12 weeks. A new approach that acknowledges the underlying biochemistry might improve this situation. And on October 11th and 12th delegates to a conference in London, organised by Food for the Brain, an educational foundation, heard accounts of such an approach. Its tools are not drugs but dietary changes. The theory is that providing food rich in the precursors of lost neurotransmitters will boost the levels of those chemicals, and thus reduce craving. At the moment, only preliminary trials have been carried out. But they look promising and if larger trials confirm them, a useful, new front in the war on addiction might open up.

Mind what you eat
Anxiety and sleeplessness are common withdrawal symptoms. They happen because many addictive drugs reduce the supply of a chemical called glutamine, a precursor to GABA. One of GABA’s roles is to promote relaxation. (The molecular receptors for GABA are the target of tranquillisers such as Valium.) But glutamine levels can be restored, and production of GABA boosted, by the consumption of an amino acid called N-acetylcysteine (NAC) that is found in nuts and seeds.

This is not just theory. A controlled study published last year in the American Journal of Psychiatry by Steven LaRowe, of the Medical University of South Carolina, and his colleagues, found that giving NAC to cocaine addicts reduced their desire to use the drug sufficiently for it to be recommended as a treatment.

A different study found that NAC reduced the desire to gamble in more than 80% of those addicted to this pastime, compared with 28% of those who were given a placebo.

Serotonin is another neurotransmitter that is usually deficient in an addicted brain. This probably accounts for the depressive side of withdrawal symptoms (serotonin receptors in the brain are the target of antidepressant drugs such as Prozac). Serotonin is made from an amino acid called tryptophan, which is found in foods such as meat, brown rice, nuts, fish and milk. Philip Cowen, a psychiatrist at Oxford University, has found that reducing the amount of tryptophan in someone’s diet increases depressive symptoms and also that increasing it can induce a more optimistic outlook.

Another molecule that shows promise in treating addiction is DHA, a fatty acid belonging to the nutritionally fashionable class called omega-3. In this case it is believed to act not by affecting neurotransmitter levels but by changing the physical characteristics of nerve cells’ outer membranes, and thus the way they conduct nerve impulses. A lack of DHA has been associated with all sorts of psychological problems—learning difficulties, excessive
hostility and even suicide. It has also been associated with the relapse into addiction. Here, though, the waters are muddy. Correlation is not causation, and no decent trials have yet been done
to show whether DHA supplements do in fact reduce addiction. Indeed, the whole area is, as it were, under-trialled. As David Smith, another Oxford-based researcher and the chairman of the conference,
pointed out, drug companies are not interested in carrying out such trials because the results, even if favourable, are unlikely to be patentable.

Governments do not seem interested at the moment, either; the welfare of addicts, rhetoric aside, is rarely a priority. Similar studies of the effect of diet on the behaviour of prisoners are, though, provoking interest. John Stein, yet another Oxford man, is currently conducting such a study in three British prisons.

If a change of diet really can help addicts, it would be a shame not to find out. It might even save the public purse some money.

Znači i mainstream media slaže se da amino kiseline imaju veliki potencial u tretmanu bolesti ovisnosti, a kako izlazi iz ove konferencije u Londonu, a i anegdotnih dokaza mnogih subjekata na detox forumima, pažljivo odabrana selekcija u ishrani i amino dodaci ishrani daju nam mogučnost ispravljanja štete prouzročene opiatima. Pitanje je samo kako i koliko amino kiseline uzimane oralno prebijaju moždanu barijeru, i da li ih je potrebno uzimati IV putem ili je moguće isto ili slićno postiči i oralnim putem.

Re: IV Amino - not so new kid on the block

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:09 pm
Pitao sam jer ja uzimam amino -kiseline,ali iz skroz drugih razloga.Weiderove su najbolje:)

Re: IV Amino - not so new kid on the block

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:56 am
by saša-ex
Da li stvarno verujete u to da aminokiseline mogu da promene jednog narkomana? A nadam se da se slazete da je samo drasticna promena put ka izlecenju.

Re: IV Amino - not so new kid on the block

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:43 am
by Sagitarius
saša-ex wrote:Da li stvarno verujete u to da aminokiseline mogu da promene jednog narkomana? A nadam se da se slazete da je samo drasticna promena put ka izlecenju.
Koliko sam ja shvatio,samo jedan od preparata za "poravnat" receptore.Naravno,stoji to što si napisao.

Re: IV Amino - not so new kid on the block

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:54 am
by tubalkain
Sagitarius wrote:
saša-ex wrote:Da li stvarno verujete u to da aminokiseline mogu da promene jednog narkomana? A nadam se da se slazete da je samo drasticna promena put ka izlecenju.
Koliko sam ja shvatio,samo jedan od preparata za "poravnat" receptore.Naravno,stoji to što si napisao.

Da. Naše ponašanje je (i) plod biohemije, a amino kiseline nisu neki žešči preparati nego drugom rećiju proteini koji se nalaze u hrani. Primjer: poznato je, da opiati smanje prirodnu proizvodnju endorfina. Sastavni dio endorfina (koji su neurotransmiteri) su aminokiseline, i dovodjenjem amino kiselina iz vanjskog izvora olakšava se telu da proizvodi endorfine.

Ne znam koliko pričate engleski ali taj članak iz Economista dobro to objašnjava, a i drugi linkovi. Razumem na šta i ciljaš, na spiritualnu transformaciju, buđenje, koje se navodno postiže magičnom formulom 12 koraka. OK, ako to radi za nekoga, AA su slučajno pogodiili 90/90 jer baš toliko otprilike traje, da se posle detoxa uspostavi normalno stanje neurotransmitera. Znači jedno ne isključuje drugo, ali ako ijedna terapija ima naučnu osnovu i obećaje novu paradigmu i tretmanu ovisnika to je terapija aminokiselinama, ali kako sada izgleda možda i nije potrebno, da se amino dovodi IV putem, nego je i drastićna promjena ishrane dovoljna za usporediv efekat.

Re: IV Amino - not so new kid on the block

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:00 pm
by lizard
Slovenac ima logike sa ovim amino kiselinama(samo par puta nisam uzeo IV heroin, ali kazu da je isti qrac) jos uz par bilderski fora (pored kvalitetne ishrane) tipa whey protein (koji je odlican za jetru) i ostalih suplemenata garantovano pomazes ozdravljenju tjela( u zdravom tjelu zdrav duh:) samim tim i receptora. Dodas jos ibogu u kosaricu kao najhumaniji, da nekazem (jer ni blokatori tu nisu losi) najefikasniji cistac receptora. Za preostalih 10.000$ (procita da si napisao, mislim da je ispod teksta "od droge nemozes pobjec", kako si spreman dati 12.000$ za skidanje) upaltis par mjeseci all exclusive izolacije na nekoj finoj destinaciji; naravno uz koristenje teretane, bazena, saune... uspjeh garantovan 99%
ps. da ne zaboravis duhovnu nadogradnju; poneses par Velikih knjiga, ukljucujuci knjige AA i AN

Re: IV Amino - not so new kid on the block

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:06 pm
by Sagitarius
Dodas jos ibogu u kosaricu
Iboga je odlična stvar,čitam o ljudima koje je preporodila,u principu,što više imaš "staža",veća je vjerovatnost uspjeha.
Obavezno treba biti "vodič" uz tebe,jer "trip"(ako se to tako može nazvat),traje 2-3 dana.
Razmišljam o toj varijanti,kad se očistim od ovih kemija(sub).

Re: IV Amino - not so new kid on the block

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:17 pm
by heroinapg
Ma, covjek zna sta prica i potkrepljuje cinjenicama..Mada sam ja samo na stolici-Ne koristim nista. I lizard..Hvala sto upotrijebi rijeci "Ukljucujuci" navedene knjige.. Postoji jos knjiga. Nismo sablon, niti definicija..I(Ako je AA NA put uspjeha "12 koraka"-odrzavanje stabilne i prave apstinencije)Svi smo ili smo bili u istom shitu, al granice se pomjeraju, bar kada apstinenciju dozivis/zivis..btw.Ne degradiram ni grupe, ni "12 koraka", naravno. NAvedene knjige-linkovi-posjecivala sam, citala..Postavila sam topic-Literatra-Ne tortura-Sta citate..ali......Zato se umijesah u topic... :-#

Re: IV Amino - not so new kid on the block

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:42 pm
by tubalkain
Iboga jest interesantna, iako su iskustva različita. Meni je bila totalna agonija, ustvari prvih 24 sata je trip, interesantno i potpuno drukčije od LSD-a., stvarno duboko, al nakon toga, 5 dana i noči gore od svake krize, medjutim uz svu muku nešto mi nije dalo da nazovem svog dilera. Posle 5 dana žena je nazvala hitnu pomoč jer ti grčevi nisu popuštali za sekundu a izgledao sam valjda očajno jer su mi na urgenciji dali i xanax i metadon.

Kad sam kasnije razgovarao s doktorom u Ljubljani koji je veliki fen iboge ustanovili smo, da ej moja tortura skoro sigurno bio detox od xanaxa, a nisam imao uopšte klasične simptome opiat detoxa, pa je krajnja konstatacija bila da sam bio preambiciozan, u ono sam vreme bio na heroinu, kokainu, metadonu i xanaxu.

U svakom slučaju, iako nisam prestao opiatima nikad više posle iboge nisam droge uzimao intravenozno, kokain je potpuno presto da ne zanima (a bio sam ko pacov u kavezu sa spidbolima, ko ikebana čoveče), čak sam i presto da pušim za neko vreme. Ima na youtubu par dobrih videa na temu iboge, a na slovenskoj obali ibogain je legalan, ko neka vjerska stvar, košta €700. Ja sam imao sličan osečaj koji opisuju i drugi, naime da sam odbacio identitet ovisnika.

Ne bih medjutim preporučio ibogain ljudima sa latentnom šizofrenijom il takvim nečim.

Sa druge strane, opet iz vlastitog iskustva, sa suba se stvarno može dosta lako spustit, nije medjutim problem u spuštanju, problem je ostati čist. Tu sam ja recimo zajebo, 13 dana i bam, relaps, suze su mi došle na oči.